
Volunteer of the Month -- Thank You!!

There are many activities that we enjoy here at the American Legion. These would not happen if not for the many volunteers that have stepped forward to run them.  And for that we give them a much appreciated Thank You.  If you would like to volunteer by being a lead or a helper for any of these, please leave your name and contact information.  Check our monthly calendar for date and time of activities.

A few of our many volunteers at work:

From National: Very Important Reporting Guidelines

We’d like to provide some clarity on recent questions we’ve received about counting volunteer hours:
Wearing an article of clothing does not count toward volunteer hours, much like hours spent flying a flag in your front yard doesn’t count. Volunteer hours should reflect *direct* mission service and *direct* impact in your community. Wearing red on Fridays to show your support of our military and veterans is important and encouraged, but it ultimately has little do to with direct mission outreach. Volunteer hours are reported to Congress via The American Legion. Our impact numbers (aka your hours) need to reflect our actual hands-on mission outreach, as Congress uses those numbers when considering funding in the veterans realm. So, by reporting non-service (i.e., wearing a shirt for 8 hours), it misrepresents the actual hours serving veterans’ needs in your community and could ultimately hurt further federal funding as it looks like we are meeting the needs without that additional funding.
Being branded or wearing red on Fridays is truly for awareness of veterans and the mission of the ALA, but it’s just not something that should be reported in your volunteer hours.
Questions? Because each situation re: volunteer hours is unique, please email programs@ALAforVeterans.org so we can answer your questions thoughtfully and on an individual basis.