2023 Photos

Scroll down to see some photos from this year.


Christmas Party

Wreaths Across America

Toy Run

Children's Day Magic Show by Nelson

Post 69 Thanksgiving Meal

Veteran's Day Ceremony

Mother's of Veteran Suicide

Kid's Halloween Party

Post 69 Halloween Party

Flag folding at Avon Park Boys & Girls Club

Freedom Flight getting ready to go to Washington DC.

Post 69 Junior's and Girls Central Florida Shine Softball Team Flag Retirement ceremony 8/5

Installation of Officers

Poker Run to benefit the Mothers of Veterans suicide

American Legion 2023 Convention

Painting Class with The Lazy Painter (6/3)

Brick Laying Ceremony for 2LT Weekly

Memorial Day Celebration Post 69

Welcome Home 2nd Lt Pharis E. Weekley

Children's Friendship Party Expo

Cindy Lair reading her book to the Children

Unity Ride

8th Annual Veterans Expo

Poker Run Jan 8th

Traveling Memorial Wall Escort